
Friday 26 December 2014

Introduction to the Standard Template Library (STL)

The C++ standard committee added the Standard Template Library (STL) to the C++ Standard Library due to the importance of the software reuse benefits. The STL defines powerful, template-based, reusable components that implement many common data structures and algorithms used to process those data structures. The STL offers proof of concept for generic programming with templates. It is very important to keep in mind that in industry, the features presented are often referred to as the Standard Template Library or STL. However, these terms are not used in the C++ standard document, because these features are simply considered to be part of the C++ Standard Library.
The STL was developed by Alexander Stepanov and Meng Lee at Hewlett-Packard (hp) and is based on their research in the field of generic programming, with significant contributions from David Musser. The STL was conceived and designed for performance and flexibility. In this article, the main three components of STL (containers, iterators and algorithms) will be discussed. STL containers, iterators and algorithms are shown in the tables given below.

Standard Library Containers
Standard Library Container Class
Sequence containers
Rapid insertions and deletions at back. Direct access to any element.
Rapid insertions and deletions at front or back. Direct access to any element.
Doubly linked list, rapid insertion and deletion anywhere.
Associative containers
Rapid lookup, no duplicates allowed.
Rapid lookup, duplicates allowed.
One-to-one mapping, no duplicates allowed, rapid key-based lookup.
One-to-one mapping, duplicates allowed, rapid key-based lookup.
Container adapters
Last-in, first-out (LIFO).
First-in, first-out (FIFO).
Highest-priority element is always the first element out.

Standard Library Common Member Functions
Member Function Description
default constructor A constructor to create an empty container. Normally, each container has several constructors that provide different initialization methods for the container.
copy constructor A constructor that initializes the container to be a copy of an existing container of the same type.
destructor Destructor function for cleanup after a container is no longer needed.
empty Returns true if there are no elements in the container, otherwise, returns false.
insert Inserts an item in the container.
size Returns the number of elements currently in the container.
operator= Assigns one container to another.
operator< Returns true if the first container is less than the second one, otherwise, returns false.
operator<= Returns true if the first container is less than or equal to the second one, otherwise, returns false.
operator> Returns true if the first container is greater than the second one, otherwise, returns false.
operator>= Returns true if the first container is greater than or equal to the second one, otherwise, returns false.
operator== Returns true if the first container is equal to the second one, otherwise, returns false.
operator!= Returns true if the first container is not equal to the second one, otherwise, returns false.
swap Swap the elements of the two containers.
max_size Returns the maximum number of elements for a container.
begin The two versions of this function return either an iterator or a const_iterator that refers to the first element of the container.
end The two versions of this function return either an iterator or a const_iterator that refers to the next position after the end of the container.
rbegin The two versions of this function return either a reverse_iterator or a const_reverse_iterator that refers to the last element of the container.
rend The two versions of this function return either a reverse_iterator or a const_reverse_iterator that refers to the next position after the last element of the reversed container.
erase Erases one or more elements from the container.
clear Erases all the elements from the container.

Standard Library Container Header Files
Header File Description
<queue> Contains both queue and priority_queue. 
<map> Contains both map and multimap. 
<set> Contains both set and multiset. 

typedefs Found in First-Class Containers
typedef Description
allocator_type The type of the object used to allocate the container’s memory.
value_type The type of the element stored in the container.
reference A reference to the type of element stored in the container.
const_reference A constant reference to the type of element stored in the container. Such a reference can be used only for reading elements in the container and for performing const operations.
pointer A pointer to the type of element stored in the container.
const_pointer A pointer to a constant of the container’s element type.
iterator An iterator that points to an element of the container’s element type.
const_iterator A constant iterator that points to the type of element stored in the container and can be used only to read elements. 
reverse_iterator A reverse iterator that points to the type of element stored in the container. This type of iterator is for iterating through a container in reverse.
const_reverse_iterator A constant reverse iterator that points to the type of element stored in the container and can be used only to read elements. This type of iterator is for iterating through a container in reverse.
difference_type The type of the result of subtracting two iterators that refer to the same container (operator - is not defined for iterators of lists and associative containers).
size_type The type used to count items in a container and index through a sequence container (cannot index through a list).

STL Iterator Categories
Iterator Category Description
input Used to read an element from a container. An input iterator can move only in the forward direction (i.e., from the beginning of the container to the end) one element at a time. Input iterators support only one-pass algorithms - the same input iterator cannot be used to pass through a sequence twice. 
output Used to write an element to a container. An output iterator can move only in the forward direction one element at a time. Output iterators support only one-pass algorithms - the same output iterator cannot be used to pass through a sequence twice.
forward Combines the capabilities of input and output iterators and retains their position in the container (as state information).
bidirectional Combines the capabilities of a forward iterator with the ability to move in the backward direction (i.e., from the end of the container towards the beginning). Bidirectional iterators support multipass algorithms.
random access Combines the capabilities of a bidirectional iterator with the ability to directly access any element of the container (i.e., to jump forward or backward by an arbitrary number of elements).

Iterator Category Hierarchy

Iterator Type Supported by each Container
Container Type of Iterator Supported
Sequence containers (first class)
random access
random access
list bidirectional
Associative containers (first class)
set bidirectional
multiset bidirectional
map bidirectional
multimap bidirectional
Container adapters
stack no iterators supported
queue no iterators supported
priority_queue no iterators supported

Iterator typedefs
Predefined typedefs for iterator types Direction of ++ Capability
read / write
read / write

Iterator Operation for each Type of Iterator
Iterator Operation Description
All iterators
++p Pre-increment an iterator.
p++ Post-increment an iterator.
Input iterators
*p Dereference an iterator.
p = p1 Assign one iterator to another.
p == p1 Compare iterators for equality.
p != p1 Compare iterators for inequality.
Output iterators
*p Dereference an iterator.
p = p1 Assign one iterator to another.
Forward iterators Forward iterators provide all the functionality of both input iterators and output iterators.
Bidirectional iterators
--p Pre-decrement an iterator.
p-- Post-decrement an iterator.
Random access iterators
p += i Increment the iterator p by i positions.
p -= i Decrement the iterator p by i positions.
p + i or i + p Expression value is an iterator positioned at p incremented by i positions.
p - i Expression value is an iterator positioned at p decremented by i positions.
p - p1 Expression value is an integer representing the distance between two elements in the same container.
p[ i ] Return a reference to the element offset from p by i positions.
p < p1 Return true if iterator p is less than iterator p1 (i.e., iterator p is after iterator p1 in the container); otherwise, return false.
p <= p1 Return true if iterator p is less than or equal to iterator p1 (i.e., iterator p is before iterator p1 or at the same location as iterator p1 in the container); otherwise, return false.
p > p1 Return true if iterator p is greater than iterator p1 (i.e., iterator p is after iterator p1 in the container); otherwise, return false.
p >= p1 Return true if iterator p is greater than or equal to iterator p1 (i.e., iterator p is after iterator p1 or at the same location as iterator p1 in the container); otherwise, return false.

Mutating-Sequence Algorithms
copy partition replace_copy stable_partition
copy_backward random_shuffle replace_copy_if swap
fill remove replace_if swap_ranges
fill_n remove_copy reverse transform
generate remove_copy_if reverse_copy unique
generate_n remove_if rotate unique_copy
iter_swap replace rotate_copy

Non-Modifying Sequence Algorithms
adjacent_find equal find_end mismatch
count find find_first_of search
count_if find_each find_if search_n

Numerical Algorithms from Header File <numeric>
accumulate partial_sum
inner_product adjacent_difference

Some STL Exception Types
STL Exception Types Description
Indicates when subscript is out of range - e.g., when an invalid subscript is specified to vector member function at.
Indicates an invalid argument was passed to a function.
Indicates an attempt to create too long a container, string, etc..
Indicates that an attempt to allocate memory with new (or with an allocator) failed because not enough memory was available.

Other Standard Template Library Algorithms
Algorithm Description
inner_product Calculate the sum of the products of two sequences by taking corresponding elements in each sequence, multiplying those elements and adding the result to a total.
adjacent_difference Beginning with the second element in a sequence, calculate the difference (using operator -) between the current and previous elements and store the result. The first two input iterators arguments indicate the range of elements in the container  and the third indicates where the results should be stored. A second version of this algorithm takes as a fourth argument a binary function to perform a calculation between the current element and the previous element.
partial_sum Calculate a running total (using operator -) of the values in a sequence. The first two input iterators arguments indicate the range of elements in the container and the third indicates where the results should be stored. A second version of this algorithm takes as a fourth argument a binary function that performs a calculation between the current value in the sequence and the running total.
nth_element Use three random-access iterators to partition a range of elements. The first and last arguments represent the range of elements. The second argument is the partitioning element’s location. After this algorithm executes, all elements before the partitioning element are less than that element and all elements after the partitioning element are greater than or equal to that element. A second version of this algorithm takes as a fourth argument a binary comparison function.
partition This algorithm is similar to nth_element, but requires less powerful bidirectional iterators, making it more flexible. It requires two bidirectional iterators indicating the range of elements to partition. The third argument is a unary predicate function that helps partition the elements so that all elements for which the predicate is true are to the left (toward the beginning of the sequence) of those for which the predicate is false. A bidirectional iterator is returned indicating the first element in the sequence for which the predicate returns false.
stable_partition Similar to partition except that this algorithm guarantees that equivalent elements will be maintained in their original order.
next_permutation Next lexicographical permutation of a sequence.
prev_permutation Previous lexicographical permutation of a sequence.
rotate Use three forward iterator arguments to rotate the sequence indicated by the first and last argument by the number of positions indicated by subtracting the first argument from the second argument. e.g., the sequence 1,2,3,4,5 rotated by two positions would be 4,5,1,2,3.
rotate_copy This algorithm is identical to rotate except that the results are stored in a separate sequence indicated by the fourth argument - an output iterator. The two sequences must have the same number of elements.
adjacent_find This algorithm returns an input iterator indicating the first of two identical adjacent elements in a sequence. If there are no identical adjacent elements, the iterator is positioned at the end of the sequence.
search This algorithm searches for a subsequence of elements within a sequence of elements and, if such a subsequence is found, returns a forward iterator that indicates the first element of that subsequence. If there are no matches, the iterator is positioned at the end of the sequence to be searched.
search_n This algorithm searches a sequence of elements looking for a subsequence in which the values of a specified number of elements have a particular value and, if such a subsequence is found, returns a forward iterator that indicates the first element of that subsequence. If there are no matches, the iterator is positioned at the end of the sequence to be searched.
partial_sort Use three random-access iterators to sort part of a sequence. The first and last arguments indicate the sequence of elements. The second argument indicates the ending location for the sorted part of the sequence. By default, elements are ordered using operator < (a binary predicate function can also be supplied). The elements from the second argument iterator to the end of the sequence are in an undefined order.
partial_sort_copy Use two input iterators and two random-access iterators to sort part of a sequence indicated by the two input iterator arguments. The results are stored in the sequence indicated by the two random-access iterator arguments. By default, elements are ordered using operator < (a binary predicate function can also be supplied). The number of elements sorted is the smallest of the number of elements in the result and the number of elements in the original sequence.
stable_sort The algorithm is similar to sort except that all equivalent elements are maintained in their original order. This sort is O(n log n) if enough memory is available; otherwise, it’s O(n(log n)2).

Function Objects in Standard Library
STL Function Objects Type STL Function Objects Type
divides< T > arithmetic logical_or< T > logical
equal_to< T > relational minus< T > arithmetic
greater< T > relational modulus< T > arithmetic
greater_equal< T > relational negate< T > arithmetic
less< T > relational not_equal_to< T > relational
less_equal< T > relational plus< T > arithmetic
logical_and< T > logical multiplies< T > arithmetic
logical_not< T > logical


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